100% Authentic Taylor Swift Signed Autograph OG 1989 CD Album Cover PSA/DNA Certified Authentic Auto Signature is certified authentic by PSA/DNA, one of the most reputable trading card grading and memorabilia authentication companies in the world, so you can rest assured it is 100% authentic (cert #85313786 ). Verify certificate here: Important info: Taylor Swift is the most well-renowned musician in the world and will likely surpass The Beatles in popularity. Therefore, her signature is one of the most faked along with greats such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Mickey Mantle, etc. Most items currently sold online with Taylor's signature are fake! If her signature is not authenticated by one of the big 3 (PSA, Beckett, JSA) it is likely counterfeit. Taylor has not done any custom signings for the past 5+ years so if the signed item is a recent photo of her that comes with a random "no name" COA there is a 99%+ chance that it is fake!!! Shipping: Economy shipping: USPS Ground 3-10 days FREE Item will be well-padded with bubble wrap and shipped in a sturdy box.